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Breeds of Queen Bees

Varroa Sensitive Hygienic VSH Queens

VSH Queens from Hawaii

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Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH)
An organic solution to mites and diseases


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Beginning Beekeeping Education

What you need to know to be a beekeeper

Some good books to learn about bees and beekeeping


    The Hive and the Honey Bee

    This a very comprehensive book describing both bee biology and beekeeping. First published in 1853 by the father of modern beekeeping, Lorenzo Langstroth. It has been published continuously and revised by Dadant & Sons. At 1324 pages, it contains the distilled knowledge about bees and beekeeping gained throughout the centuries.

    Twenty-seven chapters are written by various experts and include basic bee biology, diseases, beekeeping history, types of honeybees ,honey plants, beekeeping equipment, honeybee management, bee breeding and genetics


    The ABC's and XYZ's of Bee Culture

    This is also a book which was first published in the early years of modern beekeeping. Now in it's 41st edition, updated in 2007, it contains loads of information about everything concerning bees. It is organized in an encyclopedic format, so it is easy to browse through, or find exactly what you are interested in. The 911pages should keep you busy for awhile, and you'll walk away a honeybee expert.

    It was the 1910 edition that I happened onto at the library almost 40 years ago, and got me hooked on bees forever.

    The New Starting Right with Bees

    This is a neat little book to get the first time beekeeper through the first year successfully.

    Full of practical tips to make the experience enjoyable, and to avoid some of the common mistakes.

    Inexpensive and easy to read at just 138 pages, this a good starter book.

    Beekeeping for Dummies

    This book is a good introduction to bees and beekeeping. It is easy to read and has an entertaining style with pictures and cartoons. It covers all the basics for the beginner beekeeper.

    It's also a good starter book for the price, and the 2009 edition is up to date with the recent happenings in the bee world.

    Wikibooks- online book on Beekeeping

Periodicals for the beekeeper - both of these magazines have been around a long time and are invaluable for keeping up new information, techniques and products for the beekeeper.

Links on the web for beekeepers



Wildflower Meadows Queens and Nucs


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